The 50th & France District features over 175 retailers and professional services. Our retailers include: apparel for men, women, and children, jewelers, and many specialty and gift boutiques. Pamper yourself at one of our spas and salons or see a movie at the Edina Theatre. For a fabulous dining experience, enjoy our diverse selection of restaurants to wine and dine at, ranging from casual to contemporary and fine dining. We also feature bakeries, café’s and gourmet treats. 50th & France is the perfect place for a mini get-a-way for the day, an outing with your girlfriends, or a fun date night. 50th & France offers plenty of complimentary parking.
Mission Statement
The purpose of the 50th & France Business and Professional Association is to promote the general welfare and economic well-being of the 50th & France business district and to accomplish more collectively than could be achieved individually in the following areas:
- Advertising, Marketing & Promotions
- Member Communications
- Community Relations
- Public Relations
- Member Services
- Operations
- Development Issues
- Government Relations
50th & France will be the pre-eminent destination for the discerning consumer desiring a charming neighborhood experience.
50th & France Business and Professional Association Contact Information
3902 W. 50th Street, Suite C, Edina MN 55424